SENTAC Webinar: Managing the Challenging Parent/Patient: Interactive Simulations

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Pediatric patients present a unique challenge as the medical encounter always involves a third party being the child’s parent or legal guardian. At times there are challenges with these interactions which can potentially interfere with the primary reason for the patient’s visit. We will simulate several different types of challenging parent interactions and discuss methods to help mitigate these while keeping the patient as the primary focus. Learning Objectives: • Implement strategies to maintain professionalism in the setting of a challenging parent or guardian. • Recognize situations where additional help may be required to de-escalate a situation • Utilize a variety of strategies to redirect the focus onto the care of the patient This webinar is accredited for 1.5 CME This webinar is the third in our Webinar Series! Because this is being accredited as a series, certificates for any of the four attended will be sent out after the last one in September. You will receive a survey at that time that will need to be completed in order to receive your certificate.
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